
Sunday, March 16, 2014


Passing from one stage of life to another is part and parcel of us. Change: It's who and what we are, becoming part of a greater whole.
Did that make sense? The first few times reading that didn't feel right to me at first, but I'm comfortable with that... well, as comfortable as I can get.
I'm going through some life changes right now, so are the loved ones in my life. The one thing I've noted in the past, through my writing and observations, is that the manner in which we react to changes in our lives are nearly as important as the changes themselves. It's not the action, it's the reaction.
One of my rules in writing this blog is not to divulge personal names and say negative things toward others. Putting the bad stuff out there propagates the good/ evil stereotypes, and we don't need any more of that. There have been times when I've been a savior to some people and the most vile beast to others. Some times both in the same week. Does that make me a force for good? Does that mean I'm a dick? Perhaps it's a little of each.
My father in law is facing his declining health with a bit of humor and grace. The wife and I are upset that he's trying to face things by himself. The lesson I've learned a long time ago is that carrying such a burden shouldn't be done alone. We don't know all the facts yet, but my wife wants to be there for the man that means so much to her.
I am about to experience a career change, whether I want to or not. I've been putting it off for as long as possible in the hopes of easing the transition but, outside forces are conspiring against me.
My wife has started a new career with a bank and insurance giant. Some really good people who have a genuine calling to be teachers are slipping away. It is the loss of future generations that some outstanding human beings will never have the chance to inspire the greatest number of minds as a teacher. For our part, we've tried to change things from inside the system. Now my wife and I are going to do other things. We will, of course start with our children, teaching them how to be critical thinkers, not to rig a system already stacked against them. But to influence them to become better persons. What's so wonderful about this is that curiosity and learning in this manner is contagious. 
Love overcomes hatred. Reason trumps fear. You may be afraid of change, detest it, deny what is happening... but it comes about. 

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