
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Things to be happy about.
I'm 45 and in great health. I'm seeing more and more of my peers having 'health issues', so I count myself lucky.
The Walking Dead season will begin in a few days. The Next Star Trek movie and Season of Doctor Who will also start in the spring.
J.J. Abrams has been confirmed as the director for the next Star Wars movie. No, that wasn't a joke.
My family and I are planning a spring break vacation in Florida. I'm looking forward to connecting with some old friends while there.
Which reminds me, I have to request the time off.
I just figured out I can almost get three gallons of gas from the royalties of my e-book. Won't be quitting my day job anytime soon.
While on the subject of writing, the sequel to Travelers Road is mapped out on some legal pads above my desk. I'm about 85 pages into a first draft. Nice start, but gotta keep going.
As long as I have coffee with my breakfast, all is good.

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