
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Feeling Christmas

It's finally starting to feel like December. Last week it got up to 80. Granted, it was windy, but come on guys, make up your mind! I moved the mead into the garage to make room for the tree and here I'm thinking I'm going to have to move everything back. A rainy Saturday morning in San Antonio. Fifty degrees and a good time to knock out the Christmas cards. Which reminds me, I need to pick up stamps.
Cleaning up the yard and driveway has been on my 'To do' list for a few weeks now. The acorns are all over the place and need to be raked up. The other day I actually skidded while trying to back out. It's hard to get good traction with crushed acorns covering the driveway.
I know! I can delegate some jobs to my kids! If they get out of bed, I can get them to help out. Don't laugh, it could happen.
Back in October I attended a meeting of Cervoceros, the local home brew club. In previous outings I'd attended a screening of a local film highlighting the growing brew pub industry. The club was making an Octoberfest beer from scratch and I wanted to see their technique. As soon as I walked up the drive, a shout went out; 'It's the mead guy!'
Well, if you must have a nickname, that one isn't so bad. Fast forward to the first week of November. My Dad and I attended a brew fest where we got to sample and judge a whole lot of up and coming beer makers. I would say it was a great marketing and networking event, because that led to what happened next.
A new brew pub called Weathered Souls opened last week and I sat in on a Cervoceros meeting. After that I got to talk with the brew master and discuss shop. I even got to pitch my idea for a mead tasting, which he was pretty receptive to. The next day I wrote a letter to the president of the club thanking him for inviting me and proposing I hold a tasting for the club and people interested in mead. The short of it is I will be holding a tasting some time in January in a location to be determined with several brew pub owners in attendance. Networking can be fun, but now I have to write a speech. I have an idea of where I want to go. I also have a pretty good idea who the audience will be: Professionals and craft beer enthusiasts.
This is a step in the right direction. Hopefully I can work with one of these guys and get something going. That to me is a great Christmas gift: New chapter, a fresh start, an exciting beginning. This is stuff I can look forward to.

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