
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Getting ready for Halloween

Even though my youngest is in her teens, she wanted to go out trick or treating. After a few questions I got the truth: she wants to dress up and get some candy. October is the busy time of the year for us. If it isn't a football game, it's a debate tournament or a band competition. Plus, she's a tad too old to go out trick or treating. Case in point: Oct. 31 there is a debate tourney going on. Nevertheless, I agreed to something slightly less hectic. I'm going to host a Halloween party for about 10 or 12 kids.
I must be nuts, but if I'm going to do this: I might as well put some effort into it. Decorations, party favors, candy treats. I've got a bucket, so perhaps we'll bob for apples? The wife just suggested caramel apples. I like that idea better. That's why I like her: she takes my good ideas and makes them great.
I've still got that soda mix. Birch beer and sarsaparilla. Today I thought about adding a bit of ginger and some melted butter to the soda as I'm making it. If I do this properly, there will be butterbeer served at the party.
The wife will be working that evening, so this is all going to be on me. So my weekend now looks like soda making and cleaning the house.
Here is a picture of what the mead looks like.
It's supposed to look like that

I was thinking of starting another batch. I'm also feeling I should make some holiday beer for Christmas. Decisions, decisions...

The mead has to clear up. It will simply take time, that's all. This is one of the things I can't hurry along. We must be patient.
Speaking of patient. I'm going to need a lab coat and a bow tie for my Halloween costume.

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